Embracing Anxiety: A Path to Wellbeing with The Maine Relationship Institute
Feeling Comfortable with Anxiety: A Path to Freedom
Anxiety is an unavoidable part of the human experience. Spiraling "what if" thoughts might keep you up at night, worries in your mind that repeat themselves, or discomfort in social situations.
At The Maine Relationship Institute (MRI) we believe that while anxiety can never be eliminated entirely, you can learn to acknowledge it and become comfortable with it.
What Does Being Comfortable with Anxiety Mean?
Being comfortable with anxiety is also known as anxiety tolerance or anxiety reduction.
Being comfortable with anxiety doesn't mean getting rid of anxiety altogether. In fact, anxiety is a body's normal reaction to perceived threats or stressors, which, as a result, keeps us alert and ready to respond.
Being comfortable with anxiety means changing your relationship to it.
Instead of fueling anxious thoughts or avoiding situations that trigger anxiety, you acknowledge and make room for the anxiety and keep moving toward your values and goals.
The alternative is an endless cycle of anxiety avoidance, where you go to great lengths to steer clear of anything anxiety-provoking. This may provide short-term relief but long-term distress as your world narrows and you feel increasingly trapped.
Techniques for Developing Anxiety Tolerance
So, how do we become comfortable with anxiety? Here are some key strategies:
Understanding Your Triggers
The first step is identifying what triggers your anxiety. Is it public speaking? Social gatherings? Work deadlines? Once you know your triggers, you can develop a plan to address them.
Challenging Negative Thoughts
Anxiety often fuels negative thought patterns: "What if I mess up?" "Everyone will think I'm a failure." Challenge these thoughts with evidence-based counterarguments.
Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
Techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation can help manage physical symptoms of anxiety and bring your focus back to the present moment. MRI offers therapy sessions that incorporate these techniques.
Exposure Therapy
Gradually exposing yourself to your anxiety triggers in a safe and controlled environment can help you build confidence and reduce fear. Therapists at MRI can guide you through this process.
Accepting your anxiety doesn't mean giving up. It means acknowledging that it's there, but it doesn't have to control you. You can choose your response.
Be kind to yourself. Anxiety is a common human experience.
Remember that developing anxiety tolerance takes time and practice. There may be setbacks, yet with consistent effort and support; you may be able to develop skills to help manage your anxiety and, as a result, return to living a fulfilling life.
The Benefits of Anxiety Tolerance
Tolerating anxiety may sound uncomfortable, but as addressed above, there are several soothing ways to do this. And on the other hand, actively avoiding anxiety can cause greater discomfort.
If you can make space for anxiety rather than battling against it, profound things may unfold:
Anxiety may lose its power
Resisting anxiety often intensifies it, while accepting it dissolves much of its charge. You realize, "This too shall pass."
You can keep living your values
Anxiety tries to bully you out of doing what matters most. Staying committed to your principles despite anxiety empowers you.
New perspectives may emerge
Rather than being stuck in anxious tunnel vision, you may gain the flexibility to respond to challenges from a calmer, wiser place.
In couples counseling and individual therapy at MRI, clients can learn to unhook from anxious thoughts and embrace valued living.
Founded by Ben Borkan, MRI's approach is evidence-based yet personalized to each individual and relationship.
Consider incorporating regular exercise, healthy sleep habits, and a balanced diet.
These lifestyle changes can significantly improve your overall well-being and reduce anxiety symptoms.
And don’t let yourself believe that anxiety disorders aren’t natural. Anxiety is natural and can be effectively treated with therapy and, in some cases, medication.
If your anxiety is severe or interferes with your daily life, consult with a mental health professional for a diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.
With the right tools and support, you can develop anxiety tolerance and find the peace you deserve.
Stepping into Equanimity
If you can stop battling against anxiety, you can reclaim your life energy.
Contact MRI and learn how to be guided to sustainable anxiety tolerance and values-based living. We offer free initial consultations.
The information provided in this content is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional therapeutic advice. The thoughts and views expressed here are not intended to diagnose or treat any mental health conditions. If you are experiencing mental health issues, please seek guidance from a qualified mental health professional in your area. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional therapy or counseling services. No professional relationship is created through your use of this website. Please consult with a licensed therapist or mental health provider for personalized treatment and guidance.
This disclaimer highlights that the content is informational only and ot meant as a replacement for professional therapy. It encourages readers to seek help from licensed professionals for any mental health issues. You can modify the language as needed to fit the specific type of content and your preferences. The key is to set clear expectations that the online content cannot substitute professional mental health treatment.